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The word A was found in 166 records. Click on the links for details

  Title: A short history of musical life in Hungary Writer: Breuer, James Publisher: Corvina ISBN: Place: Budapest Date published: 1981 Edition number: Pages: 486 p. : ill. Product: Comments: Catalog number: 114 Page: Source: ΕΘΝΒ Category: ΕΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A true daughter of the party : revolutionary opera, libretto Writer: Publisher: Foreign Languages Publishing House ISBN: Place: Pyonguang Date published: 1974 Edition number: Pages: 48, [49] p. ; σχ 8ο Product: Comments: Catalog number: 8 Page: Source: ΕΘΝΒ Category: ΟΛΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Λ Ξ Ο Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A guide to Latin American music Writer: Chase, Gilbert Publisher: Library of Congress, Musicdivision ISBN: Place: Washington Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: XIII, 274 Product: 8o Comments: Catalog number: 159 Page: Source: ΕΘΝΒ Category: ΑΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: A Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Ancient music Writer: Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1837 Edition number: Pages: 16 p. Product: Comments: Foreign quarterly review, vol. 20, no. 39, p. 105-120 ; detached copy Catalog number: 2 Page: 1 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΑΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: A Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Allgemeine Litteratur der Musik, der Anleitung zur kenutniss musikalischer Bucher... Writer: Forkel, Johann Nicolaus Publisher: im. Schwickertschen Verlage ISBN: Place: Leipzig Date published: 1792 Edition number: Pages: xxiv+540p. Product: 23½ cm Comments: Catalog number: 13.4 Page: 3 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΕΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: An account of the national antem entitled: God save the King! With authorities taken from Sion College Library, the ancient records of the Merchant Tailors' Company, the old checque - book of his Majesty's Chapel, &c. &c.&c. Selected, edited and arranged Writer: Clark, Richard Publisher: W. Wright ISBN: Place: London Date published: 1822 Edition number: Pages: xxviii+208p. Product: 23cm plates. Comments: Catalog number: 114 Page: 22 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΕΠΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A short account of the Hindu system of music Writer: Wilson, Anne C. Publisher: ISBN: Place: London Date published: 1904 Edition number: Pages: 48 Product: 21cm Comments: By Anne C. Wilson . Lahore, Gulab Singh (London printed) 1904 Catalog number: 105 Page: 33 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΑΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: A New category: A Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Alberti: Παιδική χαρά, 12 μικρά κομμάτια για πιάνο Writer: Αλβέρτης, Αλέκος Α. Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1975 Edition number: Pages: 30 εκ. Product: Comments: 905 REC/4o*, ΚΝΠ 4493/1989 Δ2 / ΠΙΑΝΟ ΜΟΥΣΙΚΗ ΓΙΑ. 1τ. με παρτιτούρες Catalog number: 9 Page: Source: Εθν.Β.- παραπομπές Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A Bibliography of sources for the study of Ancient Greek music Writer: Mathiesen, Thomas Publisher: ISBN: Place: New Jersey Date published: 1974 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ (Αρχ.Ελ.Μουσ) Category: ΑΝΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: A New category: A Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Altgriechische Harmonik Writer: Lang, Carl Publisher: ISBN: Place: Heidelberg Date published: 1872 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ (Αρχ.Ελ.Μουσ) Category: ΑΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: A Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: An analysis of Stichera in the Deuteros Modes Part I-II Writer: Amargianakis, George Publisher: University of Copenhague ISBN: Place: Copenhague Date published: 1977 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Από 'Cahiers de l' Institut du Moyen-?ge Grec et Latin', τεύχος 22-23 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ-ΛΑ(Βυζ. Μουσ) Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A Byzantine treatise on musical Theory Writer: Raasted,Jorgen Publisher: UniversitŽ de Copenhague ISBN: Place: Copenhague Date published: 1983 Edition number: Pages: Τεύχος 45 Product: Comments: Απο: 'Cahiers de l' institut du moyen-?ge Grec et Latin' Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ-ΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Anatomie der Musik Writer: Θεοδωράκης, Μίκης Publisher: Phi ISBN: Place: Echternach Date published: 1985 Edition number: Pages: 198 [2] Product: 21 εκ Comments: Catalog number: 742 Page: Source: ΕΘΝΒ Category: ΕΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: APELLE DRAMMA PER MUSICA DA RAPPRESENTARSI NEL NOBILISSIMO TEATRO DELLA FENICE DEL SIGNOR ANTONIO SIMON SOGRAFI AVVOCATO VENETO IN VENEZIA L'AUTUNNO 1793 Writer: Sografi, Antonio Simon Publisher: ISBN: Place: VENEZIA Date published: 1793 Edition number: Pages: 64 Product: Comments: Catalog number: 850 Page: 332 Source: EB 1466-1800β Category: ΕΠΟΛΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Ξ Ο Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Apelle e compaspe dramma serio per musica da rappresentarsi in Bologna nel nuovo pubblico teatro la Primavera dell' anno 1795 : dedicato all Žm(inentissimo) e r(everendissi)mo principe il signor Cardinale Gio : Andrea Archetti degnissimo legato a latere d Writer: Publisher: Le stampe di sassi ISBN: Place: Bologna Date published: 1795 Edition number: Pages: 64 p. Product: Comments: Catalog number: 866 Page: 337 Source: EB 1466-1800β Category: ΕΠΟΛΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Ξ Ο Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Apelle e campaspe dramma per musica da rapresentarsi nel teatro alla scala il Carnevale dell'anno 1796 : dedicato alle LL. AA. RR. il serenissimo arciduca Ferdinando Principe Reale d'Ungheria, e Boemia, Arciduca d΄Austria, Duca di Borgogna, e di Lorena ec Writer: Antonio Simone Sografi Publisher: Gio Batista Bianchi Regio Stampatore ISBN: Place: MILANO Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: 50 p. Product: Comments: Κατά τον κατάλογο της βιβλιοθήκης της κατεχούσης το αντίτυπον το έργον συντέθη υπό του ελληνικής καταγωγής Αntonio Simone Sografi Catalog number: 871 Page: 340 Source: EB 1466-1800β Category: ΕΠΟΛΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Ξ Ο Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: ALCESTE TRAGEDIA PER MUSICA DEL SIGNOR ANTONIO SIMON SOGRAFI A.V. POETA DEL NOBILISSIMO TEATRO STESSO Per Carnovale 1799 Writer: Sografi, Antonio Simon Publisher: STAMPERIA VALVANESE ISBN: Place: VENEZIA Date published: 1799 Edition number: Pages: 64 Product: Comments: Catalog number: 1167 Page: 470 Source: EB 1466-1800β Category: ΕΠΟΛΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Ξ Ο Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Autorgan I - II - III - IV Writer: Γανωσέλης, Κώστας Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1986 Edition number: Pages: Product: 4ο Comments: με παρτιτούρες Catalog number: 991445531989 Page: Source: ΕΘΝΒ Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Autorgan : Έλληνες συνθέτες Writer: Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1988 Edition number: Pages: 2 τ. : μουσική · σχ. 4ο Product: Comments: Τα στοιχεία από το εξώφυλλο Catalog number: 907445541989 Page: Source: ΕΘΝΒ Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Akathistos - Prooemia in Byzantine Musical Manuscripts in Hungary Writer: Dvai, Gˆbor Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 1 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1966 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A Papadike from Skoplje Writer: Milojkovic-Djuric, Jelena Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 1 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1966 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΩ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: Β Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A Newly Discovered Fragment of a Fourteenth-Century Heirmologion Writer: Raasted, Jšrgen Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 2 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1971 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A Computer-Aided Analysis of Thirty-Five Byzantine Hymns Writer: Schišdt, Nanna Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 2 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1971 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: An Unusual Russian 'Spiritual Verse' Writer: Velimirovic, Milos Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 2 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1971 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A Few Pages from the History of Bulgarian Music Writer: Lazarov, Stefan Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 3 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1973 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΙΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A reference to the Relation of Eastern and Western Chant Writer: Adamis, Michael Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Από 'Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 4 / general editors Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic, N.Y. 1979' Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A Method for Indexing Byzantine Music Writer: Schišdt, Nanna ,Svengaard, Bj. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 4 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1979 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: An Analysis of the Sticheron Τον ήλιον κρύψαντα by Germanos, Bishop of New Patras [The Old 'Synoptic' and the New 'Analytical' Method of Byzantine Notation] Writer: Stathis, Gregorios Th. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 4 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1979 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Aufgaben und Probleme auf den Gebiete. Der Byzantinischen und Orientalischen Kirchenmusik Writer: Wellesz, Egon Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ανάτυπο Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Acta Musicologica ein Byzantinisches Musikinstrument Basel Writer: Anoyanakis, Fivos Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Νότες Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΠΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A short introduction to Byzantine music Writer: Δραγούμης, Μάρκος Φ. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Νέο Δελχί Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: (άρθρο) Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΘΞΗ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Η Θ Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A contribution to the study of the interpretation of late Byzantine notation Writer: Δραγούμης, Μάρκος Φ. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Copenhagen Date published: 1972 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: νότες (άρθρο) Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞΗ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B H Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A liturgical Anthology manuscript with the Russian 'Hammer-headed' notation from A.D. 1674 Writer: Petrovic, Danica Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1972 Edition number: Pages: 29 Product: Comments: Ανάτυπο από Musica Antiqua III. σ. 293-321 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A primitive PalaeoByzantine musical notation Writer: Raasted, Jšrgen Publisher: ISBN: Place: Copenhague Date published: 1962 Edition number: Pages: 9 Product: Comments: Ανάτυπο από 'Classica e Mediaevalia'. σ. 302-310 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: BM Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: An appeal to musicians Writer: Σικελιανού, Εύα Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album: για αρμόνιο πιάνο κιθάρα Writer: Καρβέλας, Νίκος Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: 960-290-105-5 Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1992 Edition number: Pages: 45 Product: 28X21 Comments: Διασκευή: Σταύρος Καβαλλιεράτος Catalog number: 2122 Page: Source: ΔΕΒ Category: ΕΖΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A Cypriote in Venice Writer: Strunk, Oliver Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Natalicia Musicologika Kund Jeppesen - Anno MCMLXII collegis oblata Catalog number: Page: Source: Γ. Στάθης Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A hymn for Thursday in Holy Week. Writer: Levy Kenneth Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1963 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Journal of the American Musicological Society 16, 1963. Catalog number: Page: Source: Γ. Στάθης Category: ΒΠΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: Β Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A Byzantine Ars Nova: the 14th- cent. Reforms of John Koukouzeles in the chanting of Great Vespers Writer: Williams Edward V. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Paris Date published: 1972 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: C.I.B.C. at UCLA octob. 1969.(επανέκδοση) Catalog number: Page: Source: Γ. Σταθης Category: ΒΙΠΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A book of the symphony. Writer: Hacgin, B.H. Publisher: Oxford University Press. ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1937 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A commentary upon the art of proper singing Writer: Benigne, de Bacilly Publisher: Institute of medievial music ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1968 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΔΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A consetraded course in traditional harmony. Book I. Writer: Hindemith, Paul. Publisher: Scott music corporation. ISBN: 0-901938-42-4 Place: New York. Date published: 1968 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΔΘΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A consetraded course in traditional harmony. Book II. Writer: Hindemith, Paul. Publisher: Scott music corporation. ISBN: 0-901938-43-2 Place: New York. Date published: 1981 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΔΘΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A critic's notebook. Writer: Lee, Amy. Publisher: Manthorne & Burack inc. ISBN: Place: Boston Date published: 1943 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A dictionary of musical terms Writer: Baker, Th. Publisher: Schirmer G. ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1923 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A dictionary of musical themes Writer: Barlow H. Publisher: Crown publishers ISBN: 0517524465 Place: New York Date published: 1975 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A guide to Bartok. Writer: Kroo, Gyorgy. Publisher: Corvina Press ISBN: Place: Hungary Date published: 1974 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A guide to great orchestral music. Writer: Spaeth Sigmund Publisher: Random housethe modern library. ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1943 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A Handbook on the technique of conducting Writer: Boult, Adrian Publisher: Scholarly Press ISBN: 040301512X Place: Oxford Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΔΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A history of european music. Writer: Huches, David. Publisher: McCraw-Hill book Co. ISBN: 0-07-031105-6 Place: New York Date published: 1974 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΙΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A history of music. Writer: Finney, Theodore. Publisher: Harcourt, Brace and Co. ISBN: Place: New York. Date published: 1935 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΙΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A knight at the opera. Writer: Sir Bing Rudolf. Publisher: G.P. Putnam?s sons. ISBN: 0-399-12653-8 Place: New York. Date published: 1981 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A musical companion. Writer: Erskine, John. Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1935 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A New dictionary of music Writer: Jacobs Arthur Publisher: Aldine publishing Co. ISBN: Place: Chicago Date published: 1961 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A practical approach to sixteenth century counterpoint. Writer: Gauldin R. Publisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: 0-13-689258-2 Place: New Jersey Date published: 1985 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΘΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A short history of opera. Writer: Crout, D.J. Publisher: Columbia University Press. ISBN: 0-231-06192-7 Place: New York Date published: 1988 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΙΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A survey of choral music. Writer: Ulrich Homer. Publisher: Harcourt Brace Jovanovich publ. ISBN: 0-15-584863-1 Place: New York Date published: 1973 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A survey of contemporary music Writer: Cray, Cecil Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: Place: London Date published: 1927 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A treasury of Gilbert & Sullivan Writer: Taylor Deems Publisher: Simon and Schuster ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1941 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A treasury of opera biography Writer: Davidson, Gladys Publisher: The Citadel Press ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1955 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A treasury of Stephen Foster Writer: Taylor, Deems Publisher: Random house inc. ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1946 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A wind from the west Writer: Ames, Evelyn Publisher: Houchton Mifflin ISBN: Place: Boston Date published: 1970 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A year from Monday Writer: Cage, John Publisher: Wesleyan University Press ISBN: 0-8185-6002-2 Place: Middletown Date published: 1967 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Acoustics of music Writer: Bartolome, Wilmer Publisher: Prentice Hall ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1942 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΣΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ξ Σ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: After the ball Writer: Whitcomb, Ian Publisher: Simon & Schuster ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1972 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Ah-one ah-two. Life with my musical family Writer: Welk, Lawrence Publisher: G.K. Hall & Co. ISBN: 0-8161-6233-X Place: Boston Date published: 1975 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Airman's song book Writer: Jackson C. - R.A.F. Publisher: William Blackwood & sons L.T.D. ISBN: Place: Edinburg Date published: 1967 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΠΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: American opera librettos Writer: Drummond, Andrew Publisher: The scarecrow press ISBN: 0-8108-0553-7 Place: New Jersey Date published: 1973 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΟΛΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Ξ Ο Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: An electronic organ for the home constructor Writer: Douglas, Alan Publisher: Sir Isaak Pitman & sons ISBN: Place: London Date published: 1965 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΓΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Γ Ε Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: An introduction to music Writer: Boyden, David Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1956 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΔΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: An introduction to the language of music Writer: Barach S. Publisher: Luce ISBN: Place: Washington D.C. Date published: 1962 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΔΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: An introduction to twentieth century music Writer: Hansen, Peter Publisher: Allyn & Bacon, inc. ISBN: Place: Boston Date published: 1961 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Anthology of musical structure and style Writer: Wennerstrom, Mary Publisher: Pentice Hall ISBN: 0-13-038372-4 Place: New Jersey Date published: 1983 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΦΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ξ Φ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Anton von Webern perspectives Writer: Moldenhauer, Hans Publisher: Washington University Press ISBN: 0-366-77518-2 Place: Seattle Date published: 1966 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Anton introduction to his work Writer: Kolneder, W. Publisher: Greenwood Press ISBN: 0-313-23342-X Place: Westport Date published: 1981 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Applied harmony : Part I Writer: Alchin, Carolyn Publisher: Highland music ISBN: Place: California Date published: 1959 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΘΔΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Arnold Schoenberg.....Fundamentals of musical composition Writer: Strang G. & Stein L. Publisher: Faber and Faber ISBN: 0-571-09276-4 Place: London Date published: 1987 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Arnold Schoenberg...Letters Writer: Stein E. Publisher: University of California Press ISBN: 0-520-06009-1 Place: Berkeley Date published: 1987 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Arnold Schoenberg...Preliminary exercises in counterpoint Writer: Stein E. Publisher: Faber and Faber ISBN: 0-571-09275-6 Place: London Date published: 1988 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΘΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Arturo Toscanini Writer: Stefan, Paul Publisher: Macmillan Co. ISBN: Place: Vienna Date published: 1935 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Aspects of medieval and renaissance music Writer: Larue, Jan Publisher: Pendaragon Press ISBN: 0-918728-07-X Place: New York Date published: 1978 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Auld acquaitance Writer: Lombardo, Guy Publisher: Doubleday & Co. ISBN: 0-385-02863-6 Place: New York Date published: 1975 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: S.C. Category: ΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Aspects of melodic ornementation in the folk music of Central Greece Writer: Chianis, Sam (Sotirios) Publisher: Institute of Ethnomusicology of the University of California ISBN: Place: Los Angeles Date published: 1966 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Selected Reports. I, 89-119 Catalog number: Page: Source: Category: ΒΜΞΗ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: B H Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Streabbog Publisher: K. Παπαγρηγορίου - X. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Πιάνο Catalog number: Page: Source: τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Adagio Writer: Albinoni Publisher: Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Επεξεργασία για κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer: επεξ. Μαμαγκάκης Ν.  
  Title: Art & Music Writer: Klee, Paul Publisher: A.D.A.G.P. & Cosmopress ISBN: Place: Paris and Geneva Date published: 1983 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: IEMA Category: ΞΤ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ξ Τ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A. Sticherarium Writer: Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1957 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: 48.34 Page: Source: ΓΒ Category: ΒΠΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: Β Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Fragmenta Chiliandarica Paleoslavica Code: Writer:  
  Title: Aristoxenus, Nicomachus, Alypius, Auctores musicaes antiquissimi, hactenus non editi. Ioannes Meursius nunc primus vulgavit, & notas addidit Writer: Publisher: Godefridi Basson ISBN: Place: Date published: 1616 Edition number: Pages: 196 p. ; 20 cm Product: Comments: Lugduni Batavorum, ex officina Ludovici Elzeviri, typis Godefridi Basson Catalog number: 4603 Page: 4 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΑΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: A Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer: ed. Meursius Ioannes (1579 - 1639)  
  Title: Antiquae musicae auctores septem. Graece et Latine. Markus Meibomius restituit ac notis explicavit Writer: Meibomius Markus, editor (1626 - 1711) Publisher: apud Ludovicum Elzevirium ISBN: Place: Amstelodami Date published: 1652 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: αα αρ.Κατ.=GC4599 B / Amstelodami, apud Ludovicum Elzevirium, 1652. / (Contains Aristotedes Quintil, Aristoxenus, Euclides, Nicomachus, Alypius, Gandentius, Bacchius) Catalog number: 4599 Page: 3 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΑΘ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Α Θ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A brief history of musik Writer: Publisher: Printing - Office in Bow Churchyard ISBN: Place: London Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: 20 p., [1] leaf of plate ; 24 cm Product: Comments: Where in is related the several changes, additions, and improvements, from its origin to this present time, collected from Aristoxenus, Plutarch, Boetius, Bontempi, Zarlino / Tho: Salmon and many others / London, engrar'd, printed and sold at the Printing Catalog number: 18 Page: 4 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΕΙΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Allgemeine Theorie der giechishen Metrik. Von Rudolf Westphal... und Hugo Gleditsch... Nebst einem Nachmorte zum zweiten Bande. Als dritte Auflage der Rossbach - Westpalschen Allgemeinen Metrik der Griechen Writer: Westphal, Rudolf and Gleditsch, Hugo Publisher: Druck und Verlag von B.G. Teubner ISBN: Place: Leipzig Date published: 1887 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: (Theorie der musischen kŸnste der Helenen von August Rossbach und Rudolf Westphal, dritter Band, erste Abtheilung) Catalog number: 22.2 Page: 175 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΒΘΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Β Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Aristoxene de Tarente, disciple d' Aristote, et la musique de l' antiquite... Writer: Laloy Louis Publisher: ISBN: Place: Paris Date published: 1904 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Par L. Laloy... Paris, Societe francaise d' imprimerie et de librairie, 1904 / Diss. Paris / αα και στο ΜΛΑ-ΕΑ (Αρχ. Ελ Μ) όπου και Lexique d' Aristoxene Catalog number: 4604 Page: 147 Source: ΓΒ,ΜΛΑ Category: ΑΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: A Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Ausfschl�sse uber die Musik der Griechen, von Friedrich von Drieberg Writer: Drieberg, Friedrich von Publisher: Carl Cnoblah ISBN: Place: Leipzig Date published: 1819 Edition number: Pages: 182+[1] Product: 26cm Comments: Catalog number: 13.6 Page: 139 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Analyse du dialogue de Plutarque sur la musique Writer: Burette, Pierre Jean Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1730 Edition number: Pages: 17 Product: Comments: (MŽmoires de LittŽrature, t. 8. 1733, p. 80-96; detached copy) / Presented 3 March 1730 Catalog number: 15 Page: 126 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΑΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: A Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A history of Byzantine music and hymnography, by Egon Wellesz Writer: Wellesz, Egon Publisher: Clarendon press ISBN: Place: Oxford Date published: 1961 Edition number: 2 Pages: XIII+[1]+461+[1]p Product: 24cm Comments: Second edition revised and enlarged / XIII+[1]+461+[1]p. front., 7 plates, 24cm / 1st edition: XIII+[1]+358+[1]p front., 5 plates. 24½ cm Αρ. Κατ.(1ης εκδ) :M 55.12 (σελ. 110) Catalog number: 55.1378345 Page: 111 Source: ΓΒ, ΜΠΕΒ,ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΙΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: B Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Analyse du codex de musique grecque no 19, Bibliotheque vaticane, fonds Borgia, par Paul - Armand Laily... Writer: Laily, Paul - Armand Publisher: ISBN: Place: Harissa, Liban Date published: 1949 Edition number: Pages: XV+163+[1]p Product: 22½ cm Comments: Harissa, Liban, Imprimerie Saint - Paul/ (Publications musicales byzantines, Seminaire Sainte - Anne, Jerusalem. Studia. Fasc. ler. Etudes de paleographie musicale byzantine) / These - Institut pontifical oriental, Rome/ Catalog number: 48.72 Page: 67 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A treatise on Byzantine music Writer: Hatherly, Stephen G. Publisher: Alexander Gardner ISBN: Place: Paisley and London Date published: 1892 Edition number: Pages: vi+162p music Product: 28cm Comments: Catalog number: 43.1 Page: 60 Source: ΓΒ,ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΘΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Β Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: A contribution to the study of the interpretation of late Byzantine notation [by] M. Ph. Dragoumis Writer: Δραγούμης Μάρκος Φ. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1972 Edition number: Pages: 7 Product: Comments: (Report of the eleventh congress of the International Musicological Society)/ vol 2/ photocopies. σ. 751-757 Catalog number: 63.32 Page: 49 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Anciennes gammes enharmoniques Writer: Laloy, a.b. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: GEB / RPh. XXIII, 238f. XXIV (1900) 31f Catalog number: Page: 14 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΑΘΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: Α Θ Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Altgriechische Musik, Theorie, Geschichte und samtliche Denkm�ler Writer: R.v. Karlik Publisher: Jos Roth ISBN: Place: Stuttgart u. Wien Date published: 1900 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: GEB Catalog number: Page: 8 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΒΘΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Β Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album No 1 Writer: Εκμεκτσόγλου, X. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: K.Ε.Γ. Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: ATTIK (Κλέων Τριανταφύλλου). Διάφορες παρτιτούρες Writer: Τριανταφύλλου, Κλέων (Αττίκ). Publisher: Σ.&M. Νικολαΐδης Ο.Ε. ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: K.Ε.Νικ. Category: ΕΖΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album 2o Writer: Χατζηνάσιος, Γιώργος Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album 2o Writer: Χαριτοδιπλωμένος, Κώστας Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album 1o Writer: Χαριτοδιπλωμένος, Κώστας Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Τουρνάς, Κώστας Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album 3ο Writer: Ρακιντζής, Μιχάλης Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album 2ο Writer: Ρακιντζής, Μιχάλης Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album 1ο Writer: Ρακιντζής, Μιχάλης Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Πολυμέρης, Χρήστος Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Παπακωνσταντίνου, B. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album 2ο Writer: Νικολόπουλος, Χρήστος Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album 1ο Writer: Νικολόπουλος, Χρήστος Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Μυρογιάννης, Γιώργος Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92, OB - 4 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Μούτσης, Δήμος Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Μουζάκης, Γ. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92, OB - 4 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Μικρούτσικος, A. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Μηλιώκας, Γ. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album 2o Writer: Κουγιουμτζής, Σταύρος Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ελληνικό τραγούδι για πιάνο - αρμόνιο - κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Autorgan school for children τετράδιο θεωρίας ΙΙ : για αρμόνιο Writer: Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΘΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Θ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Autorgan school for children τετράδιο θεωρίας Ι : για αρμόνιο Writer: Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΘΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Θ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Autorgan school for children II Writer: Γανωσέλης, K. & Τσιτάκης, A. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: 960-290-125-X Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1992 Edition number: Pages: 44 Product: 30X22 Comments: Αρμόνιο. Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Autorgan school for children I Writer: Γανωσέλης, K. & Τσιτάκης, A. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: 960-290-124-1 Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1992 Edition number: Pages: 45 Product: 30X22 Comments: Αρμόνιο. Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92, ΔΕΒ 9 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Σπανουδάκης, Σταμάτης Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?93 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Παπάζογλου, N. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?93 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Πορτοκάλογλου, N. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?93 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Ξυδάκης, N. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?93 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album 1ο Writer: Λαθρεπιβάτες Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?93 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Καζούλης, Βασίλης Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?93 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Αρλέτα Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?93 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Ζιώγαλας, Νίκος Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?93 Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Au Meer Writer: Schubert Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Aria Writer: Bach Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Aida Writer: Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Ave Maria Writer: Bach - Gounod Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Apres toi Writer: Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΠΛΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Λ Translation: titlos_siras: Ελληνικές και ξένες επιτυχίες ειδικώς διασκευασμένες δια κιθάραν Code: Writer:  
  Title: Aragonais Writer: ThomŽ Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Andalouse Writer: ThomŽ Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Ave Maria Writer: Schubert Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Andaluse Writer: Pessard Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Aragonaise Writer: Massenet Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Au printemps Writer: Grieg Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Ave Maria Writer: Gounod Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Au matiu Writer: Godard Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Adieu Writer: Espen Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Ave Maria Writer: Gounod Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Διά τραγούδι και πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 3 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΠΛ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Ave Maria Writer: Βαλτετσιώτης Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Διά τραγούδι και πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 3 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΠΛ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Χατζηδάκης Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 443 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΖΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Ξαρχάκος, Σταύρος Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΖΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Autorgan Album Ελλήνων Συνθετών Ι, II, III, IV Writer: Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album για ακκορντεόν Writer: Παλιάς, Γ. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Anonyme 3 Pieces pour Luth Writer: Μηλιαρέσης, Γεράσιμος Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Aguado 24 σπουδές Writer: Μηλιαρέσης, Γεράσιμος Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album I, II, III Writer: Τσιτσάνης Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΖΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Χατζηαποστόλου Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΖΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Μπιθικώτσης Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΖΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album I, II, III Writer: Λοΐζος Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΖΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Ανδριόπουλος Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΖΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Album Writer: Streabbog Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΖΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Armstrong Louis : Γεννήθηκα στη Νέα Ορλεάνη : αυτοβιογραφία Writer: Armstrong Louis Publisher: Index ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1988 Edition number: Pages: 206 σ. Product: Comments: Catalog number: 5699 Page: Source: OB - 4 Category: EZN Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z N Translation: Μαρία Καραγιαννοπούλου titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Autorgan school for children III Writer: Γανωσέλης, K. & Τσιτάκης, A. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: 960-290-123-3 Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1992 Edition number: Pages: 51 Product: 30X22 Comments: Catalog number: 1062 Page: 32 Source: Δ.Ε.Β. 9 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Autorgan school for children IV Writer: Γανωσέλης, K. & Τσιτάκης, A. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: 960-290-127-6 Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1992 Edition number: Pages: 53 Product: 30X22 Comments: Catalog number: 1061 Page: 32 Source: Δ.Ε.Β. 9 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Autorgan: Τεύχος 4ο Writer: Γανωσέλης, K., Τσιτάκης, A. Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: 960-290-127-6 Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1992 Edition number: Pages: 53 Product: Comments: Catalog number: 1061 Page: Source: ΔΕΒ Category: Ω Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Autorgan: Τεύχος 3ο Writer: Γανωσέλης, K., Τσιτάκης, A. Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: 960-290-123-3 Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1992 Edition number: Pages: 51 Product: Comments: Catalog number: 1062 Page: Source: ΔΕΒ Category: Ω Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Autorgan: Τεύχος 2ο Writer: Γανωσέλης, K., Τσιτάκης, A. Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: 960-290-125-X Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1992 Edition number: Pages: 44 Product: Comments: Catalog number: 1063 Page: Source: ΔΕΒ Category: Ω Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Autorgan: Τεύχος 1ο: Μέθοδος Αρμονίου Writer: Γανωσέλης, K., Τσιτάκης, A. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: 960-290-124-1 Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1992 Edition number: Pages: 45 Product: Comments: Catalog number: 1064 Page: Source: ΔΕΒ Category: Ω Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer: