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The word V was found in 17 records. Click on the links for details

  Title: Volksmusik SŸdosteuropas; BeitrŠge zur Volkskunde und Musikwissenschaft anlŠsslich der I. Balkanologentagung in Graz 1964 Writer: WŸnsch, W./ editor Publisher: Verlag Rudolf Trofenik ISBN: Place: MŸnchen Date published: 1966 Edition number: Pages: xiii+[3]+167p. illus. map. Product: 24cm Comments: (SŸdosteuropa-Schriften im Namen der SŸdosteuropa-Gesellschaft hrsg. von Walter Althammer, 7. Band) Catalog number: 102 Page: 25 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Voice and Verse in a Troparion of Cassia Writer: Raasted, Jšrgen Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 3 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1973 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Vers Une MŽtamusique Writer: Ξενάκης, Γιάννης Publisher: Ano Revve 'La NEF' carier No.29 ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΕΦΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ξ Φ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Verdi Giuseppe (1813-1901) Writer: Publisher: ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1951 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Αφιέρωμα στο περιοδικό : 'NEΑ ΕΣΤΙΑ' 49 (1.II.1951) Αρ. 566. Catalog number: Page: 70 Source: Αφιερώματα περιοδικών. Category: HPN Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: H N P Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Volks- und Kunstmusik in der griechisch-ršmischen Antike Writer: Wiora, Walter Publisher: ISBN: Place: Palermo Date published: 1959 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Atti del Congresso internazionale di musica mediterranea, Palermo 26-30 giugno 1954, Palerme, 91-94 Catalog number: Page: Source: Category: ΑΙΞΗ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: A H Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Variations Lully - Lulla for the guitar Writer: Αμαραντίδης, Αμάραντος Publisher: Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1989 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: IEMA Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Vagues Argentines Writer: Wymann Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Victoria op. 26 Writer: Richard Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Valse d?amour Writer: Moskowsky Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Valse Arabesque Writer: Lack Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Voyager solitaire Writer: Grieg Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Valses, op. 39 Writer: Brahms Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 27 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Code: Writer:  
  Title: Variations sur un air suisse Writer: Beethoven, L. Van Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Code: Writer:  
  Title: Valses Writer: Chopin Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Valse Venise Writer: Streabbog Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Valses Writer: Chopin, F. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 441 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Velvet Underground Writer: Publisher: Κατσάνος ISBN: Place: Θεσσαλονίκη Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 348 Source: OB - 4 Category: EZ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer: