Search for: |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z |
The word H was found in 45 records. Click on the links for details
Title: | Histoire de la musique
Writer: |
Publisher: | Gallimard
Place: | Paris
Date published: | 1986
Edition number: |
Pages: | 2 v. ; σχ. 16ο
Product: |
Comments: | Encyclopedie de la pleiade : Publie sous la direction de Reland-Manuel
Catalog number: | 358
Page: |
Source: | ΕΘΝΒ
Category: | ΕΙΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Histoire de la musique : La musique occidentale du moyen age a nos jours
Writer: |
Publisher: | Bordas
Place: |
Date published: | 1985
Edition number: |
Pages: | 630, [2], [46] , 6 p. : ill ; σχ. 8ο
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 358
Page: |
Source: | ΕΘΝΒ
Category: | ΕΙΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Hindu music
Writer: | [Tagore, Sourindro Mohum]
Publisher: | Hindu Patriot press
Place: | Calcutta
Date published: | 1874
Edition number: |
Pages: | 43+[1]+10p.
Product: | 21cm
Comments: | Reprinted from the 'Hindu Patriot', September 7, 1874. Author's presentation copy to D. F. Carmichael
Catalog number: | 105
Page: | 32
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΑΜΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: | A
New category: | A Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Histoire de l' harmonie au moyen ?ge, par E. de Coussemaker. De la valeur et de la lecture des neumes dans la musique du moyen ?ge
Writer: | Vincent, Alexandre Joseph Hidulphe
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 1853
Edition number: |
Pages: | 31
Product: |
Comments: | (Review, extrait du Correspondant... 25 juin et 25 juillet, 1853)
Catalog number: | .39
Page: | 54
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΕΙΜΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E I Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Helenika demotika tragoudia. Mousike anthologia. Ekdidomene epi to eortasmo tes 150 epeteridos apo tes enarxeos tou agonos tes hellenikes anexartesias.
Writer: | Εισαγωγή και υπομνήματα G. A. Mega
Publisher: | Akademia Athenon. Demosieumata tou Kentrou Ereunes tes Hellenikes Laographias, 11
Place: | Athenai
Date published: | 1972
Edition number: |
Pages: | 45
Product: |
Comments: | Eisagoge kai hypomnemata G. A. Mega / Greek edition of No. 11 above
Catalog number: | 12
Page: | 728
Source: | RN-Mgfm&D inNYPL
Category: | ΒΛΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Β Λ Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Helenika demotika tragoudia. (Mousike ekloge) Tom. III, hypo Georg. K. Spyridake kai Spyr. D. Peristere
Writer: | Spyridakes, Georg. K. kai Spyr. D. Peristeres
Publisher: | Akademia Athenon.
Place: | Athenais
Date published: | 1968
Edition number: |
Pages: | [50]+437p.
Product: |
Comments: | Demosieumata tou Kentrou Ereunes tes Hellenikes Laographias, 11 / The major publication on Greek folk music to date. English summary by Mary Vouras, p. 417-430. / Tom III
Catalog number: | 14
Page: | 728
Source: | RN-Mgfm&D inNYPL
Category: | ΒΛΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Β Λ Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | He mousike laographia sten Hellada
Writer: | Merlier, Melpo
Publisher: |
Place: | Athenai
Date published: | 1935
Edition number: |
Pages: | 56
Product: |
Comments: | Greek edition of No 20 above
Catalog number: | 21
Page: | 728
Source: | RN-Mgfm&D inNYPL
Category: | BM
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B M
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Histoire de la musique...
Writer: | Martins, C.
Publisher: | Salabert
Place: | Paris
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: | 27 cm
Comments: | 3V illus. 2 τόμοι
Catalog number: | 78038
Page: |
Source: | ΜΠΕΒ
Category: | ΕΙΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | H.J.W. Tillyard and the Recovery of a Lost Fragment
Writer: | Strunk, Oliver
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 1 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1966
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | ΒΜΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | H.J.W. Tillyard--In Memoriam
Writer: | Wellesz, Egon
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 2 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1971
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | ΒΙΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Hymns in Musical Manuscripts and Modern editions in Honour of Serbian Saints
Writer: | Petrovic, Danica
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 4 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1979
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | ΒΜΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Hebrew Accents and Greek Ekphonetic Neumes
Writer: | Revell, E.J.
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 4 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1979
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | BAM
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | A B M
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Handbook of the middle Byzantine Musical Notation
Writer: | Tillyard, H.J.W.
Publisher: |
Place: | Copenhague
Date published: | 1935
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Monumenta musicae byzantinae. Subsidia, ediderunt Carsten Heg, H.J.W. Tillyard, Egon Wellesz. 1935 απο Ι, 1έως VIIΙ ανήκουν εδώ
Catalog number: | 48.4
Page: | 1
Source: | ΜΛΑ, ΓΒ
Category: | BM
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B M
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Histoire de la musique 1 Des origines a J.S.Bach. Tirage a Part. Encyclopedie de la Pleiade
Writer: | Wellesz, Egon
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 1960
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | ΕΙΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Handbook of music history
Writer: | Rosewald, Hans
Publisher: | Wilcox & Follet Co.
Place: | Chicago
Date published: | 1948
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 3
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΙΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Handel
Writer: | Weinstock, Herbert
Publisher: | Alfred A. Knopf
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1946
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 3
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Harmony
Writer: | Piston, Walter
Publisher: | W.W. Norton & Co.
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1962
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 3
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΘΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Θ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Harvard dictionary of music
Writer: | Apel, Willi
Publisher: | Harvard University Press
ISBN: | 0674375017
Place: | Massachusetts
Date published: | 1972
Edition number: | 2η εκδ.
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 3
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Haydn.....a creative life in music
Writer: | Geiringer, K.
Publisher: | University of California
ISBN: | 0-520-04816-2
Place: | Berkeley
Date published: | 1982
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 3
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Horizon carpenters
Writer: |
Publisher: | Wise publications
ISBN: | 0860012077
Place: | London
Date published: | 1975
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Έργο συλλογικής υπευθυνότητας
Catalog number: |
Page: | 3
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΠΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Horowitz......biography
Writer: | Plaskin, Glenn
Publisher: | William Morrow & Co.
ISBN: | 0-688-01616-2
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1983
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 3
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | How music expresses ideas
Writer: | Finkelstein S.
Publisher: | London Lawrence & Wishart
Place: | London
Date published: | 1952
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 3
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΦΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ξ Φ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | How music grew
Writer: | Bauer, Marion
Publisher: | Putnam?s sons
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1925
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 4
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΙΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: | Ethel Peyser
Title: | How to prepare for Kreutzer
Writer: | Winn, Ed.
Publisher: | Carl Fischer inc.
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1930
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 4
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΔΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | How to understand music
Writer: | Thompson, Oscar
Publisher: | The Dial Press
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1936
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 4
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΦΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ξ Φ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Hymns of the kingdom of God
Writer: | Coffin, Henry & Vernon, Ambrose
Publisher: | A.S. Barnes and Co.
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1923
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 4
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΠΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Hellenic suite, violin or two violins and pianoforte
Writer: | D?Albert, F.
Publisher: | K. Παπαγρηγορίου - X. Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Βιολί, cello και πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Historia e muzikes shqiptare
Writer: |
Publisher: | Shtepia Botuese e Librit Shkollor
Place: | Botim - pre
Date published: | 1983
Edition number: |
Pages: | 2 v.
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | IEMA
Category: | ΞΙ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Historia e musik?s Shqiptare analiza e veprave
Writer: |
Publisher: |
Place: | Tiran?
Date published: | 1979
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | IEMA
Category: | ΞΙ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Historia e musikes boretore
Writer: |
Publisher: | Instituti i larte i arteve
Place: |
Date published: | 1985
Edition number: |
Pages: | 2 v.
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | IEMA
Category: | ΞΙ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Harmonia
Writer: | Sand?r Cefa
Publisher: | Ribotim i vitit
Place: | Tiran?
Date published: | 1977
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | IEMA
Category: | ΞΘ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Θ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Hymnen des Sticherarium fur September
Writer: | Wellenz, E.
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 1936
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Monumenta musicae byzantinae. Transcripta, ediderunt Carsten H�eg, H.J.W. Tillyard, Egon Wellesz 1936: απο το Ι - IΧ ανήκουν εδώ
Catalog number: | 48.5
Page: |
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΒΜΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Hirmologium Sabbaiticum. Pars prima: Toni authentici - Pars sec.: Toni plagales - Pars suppletoria: Prolegomena & indices
Writer: | Raasted, Jrgen
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 1968
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Pars prima: Toni authentici
Catalog number: | 48.371
Page: | 2
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΒΠΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Β Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Hirmologium Cryptense. Codex Cryptensis Ε.γ.ΙΙ, phototypice expressus
Writer: | Tardo, L., ed.
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 48.32
Page: |
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΒΠΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Β Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Historical sketch of music from the most ancient to modern times
Writer: | Brown, H.
Publisher: | W. Reeves
Place: | London
Date published: | 1886
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 1357
Page: | 328
Source: | ΒΓΣ- KE 1526-1920
Category: | ΕΙΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | H 'Ανοιξις
Writer: | Λαμπελέτ, Γεώργιος
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | K.Ε.Γ.
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | HANON
Writer: | HANON
Publisher: | Σ.&M. Νικολαΐδης Ο.Ε.
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 26
Page: |
Source: | K.Ε.Νικ.
Category: | ΕΔΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | H? Πεντηκοστάριον
Writer: |
Publisher: | Ζωής
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 202
Source: | OB- 3
Category: | ΒΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Β Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: | Βυζαντινή μουσική
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Humoresque
Writer: | Ernani
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 7
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Humoresque
Writer: | Egmond
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 7
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Humoresque
Writer: | Dvorak
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 7
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Harpe Eolienne
Writer: | Smith
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | H ώρα της Κιθάρας Ι, II
Writer: | Gotz
Publisher: | Φ. Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 442
Source: | OB - 4
Category: | Δ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | H 'σκήνη' της τζαζ
Writer: | Χόμπσμπομ, Τζ . Ερικ
Publisher: | Εξάντας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 1988
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 214
Source: | OB - 4
Category: | EZ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Z
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | H 'Ωδειακή' θεωρία της μουσικής
Writer: | Στάθηw Ουλκερόγλου
Publisher: | Ανδρομέδα
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 1993
Edition number: |
Pages: | 70 σ.
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΠΟΕΒ
Category: | ΔΘ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Θ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |