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The word S was found in 156 records. Click on the links for details

  Title: Sacred minstressy: a lecture on Biblical and post - Biblical Hebrew music... Writer: Margoliouth, Moses Publisher: Macintosh and Hunt ISBN: Place: London Date published: 1863 Edition number: 2 Pages: vi+50p Product: 21½ cm Comments: Second edition. London, Wertheim, Macintosh and Hunt Catalog number: 105 Page: 30 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΑΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: A Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: SupplŽment ˆ une prŽcŽdente note sur l' emploi des quarts de ton dans le chant liturgique Writer: Vincent, Alexandre Joseph Hidulphe Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1855 Edition number: Pages: 8 Product: Comments: (Extrait de la Revue archŽologique, XII annŽe 1855, p. 669-676, plate) Catalog number: .39 Page: 56 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Symphony no 3: (1964) Writer: Δραγατάκης, Δημήτρης Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1984 Edition number: Pages: 53σ. με παρτιτούρες Product: 4ο (28 εκ.) Comments: 988 QSOP/4o, ΚΝΠ 4623/1989 Δ2 / ΣΥΜΦΩΝΙΕΣ (Καλλ.) Catalog number: 3 Page: Source: Εθν.Β.- παραπομπές Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Schweizer komponisten unsever Zeit : Biographien Werkverzeichnisse mit Diskographie und Bibliographie = Compositeurs Suisse de notre Temps : Biographies, catalogues d' oeuvres avec discographic et bibliographie Writer: Publisher: Amadeus ISBN: Place: Winterthur Date published: 1983 Edition number: Pages: 247 p. ; 24 cm Product: Comments: ΣΥΝΘΕΤΕΣ - ΕΛΒΕΤΙΑ / αα: Verfabt und zusammengestellt von Mathes Seidl und Hans Steinbeck ; Winterthur: Amadeus / LWK 690 Δ, Δωρ., 817/1987 Catalog number: 2 Page: Source: Εθν.Β.- παραπομπές Category: ΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Scoala Muzicala de la Putma Writer: Ciobanu, Cheorge Publisher: ISBN: Place: Bucuresti Date published: 1984 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: 'STIHIRAR' Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ-ΛΑ(Βυζ. Μουσ) Category: BM Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Studii de lo Paleografie Muzical? Byzantina Writer: Petrescu, Ioan Publisher: ISBN: Place: Bucuresti Date published: 1984 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: (νότες) Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ-ΛΑ Category: BM Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Studien zur Byzantinischen music Writer: Riemann, Hugo Publisher: ISBN: Place: Lepzig Date published: 1909 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: (πίνακες - νότες) Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ-ΛΑ Category: ΒΜΩ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: SAFFO O SIA I RITI D΄APOLLO LEUCADIO DRAMMA PER MUSICA. DEL SIGNOR SOGRAFO DA RAPPRESENTARSI NEL NOBILISSIMO TEATRO DELLA RENICE Il Carnovale dell'Anno 1794 Writer: SOGRAFO Publisher: MODESTO FENZO ISBN: Place: VENEZIA Date published: 1794 Edition number: Pages: 43 Product: Comments: MDCCXCIV. Catalog number: 857 Page: 334 Source: EB 1466-1800β Category: ΕΟΠΛΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Ξ Ο Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Studies in Eastern Chant Writer: Publisher: ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1979 Edition number: Pages: 4 v. Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ- BM. ΛΑ Category: BM Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer: general editors Egon Wellesz and Milos VelimiRovic  
  Title: Scoala muzicala de la Putna = The Putna school of church music Writer: Publisher: Musicala ISBN: Place: Bucuresti Date published: 1981 Edition number: Pages: 2 v. ; σχ. 8ο Product: Comments: Catalog number: 691.2531983 Page: Source: ΕΘΝΒ Category: BM Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: B M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Some Reflections on Byzantine Musical Style Writer: Raasted, Jšrgen Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 1 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1966 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΦΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: Β Ξ Φ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Some Remarks on the Traditional Music of the Greeks of Corsica Writer: Dragoumis, Markos Ph. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 2 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1971 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΠΗ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B H M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sur une chanson de danse Balkanique Writer: Baud - Bovy, Samuel Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1972 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Νότες (άρθρο) Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞΗ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B H Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sur un PrŽlude de Romanos Writer: Baud - Bovy, Samuel Publisher: ISBN: Place: Bruxelles Date published: 1938 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Νότες (άρθρο) Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞΗ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B H Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Some Remarkes on the Traditional music of the Greeks of Cornica Writer: Δραγούμης, Μάρκος Φ. Publisher: ISBN: Place: London Date published: 1971 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: νότες (άρθρο) Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΠΗ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B H M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Some Notes on Greek Shepherd Flutes Writer: Μαζαράκη, Δέσποινα Β. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1969 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Άρθρο - Academie Bulgare des sciences Bulletin de l'institut de musique Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΓΞΗ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: Β Γ Η Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Some New Specimens of Byzantine Music Writer: Tillyard, W.T.H. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1926 Edition number: Pages: 22 Product: Comments: Ανάτυπο από Annual of the British School at Athens Session 1925-1926. σ. 151-172 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: State of the discipline of Byzantine Music Writer: Touliatos-Banker, Diane Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1978 Edition number: Pages: 12 Product: Comments: Ανάτυπο από Acta Musicologica 1978. σ. 181-192 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: BM Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Study of Byzantine Music in the West Writer: Velimirovic, Milos Publisher: ISBN: Place: Θεσσαλονίκη Date published: 1964 Edition number: Pages: 14 Product: Comments: Ανάτυπο από Balkan Studies. σ. 63-76 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: BM Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Stand der forschung Ÿber Kirchenslavische Musik Writer: Velimirovic, Milos Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1963 Edition number: Pages: 25 Product: Comments: Ανάτυπο από Zeitschrift F. Slav. Philologie BD xxxi/1. σ. 145-169 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: BM Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Specimina Notationum Antiquiorum. Writer: Strunk Oliver. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Copenhagen Date published: 1966 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Pars Suppletoria, MMB SŽrie Principale VII. Catalog number: Page: Source: Γ. Στάθη Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Schubert Franz (1797-1828) Writer: Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1929 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Αφιέρωμα στο περιοδικό : 'ΜΟΥΣΙΚΑ ΧΡΟΝΙΚΑ ' (1929) Αρ. 7-8 Catalog number: Page: 69 Source: Αφιερώματα περιοδικών. Category: HPN Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: H N P Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Summertime. Writer: Gershwin, George. Publisher: Fagotto. ISBN: 960-7075-20-X Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1992 Edition number: Pages: 8 Product: 29X21 Comments: (Μελωδίες για μικρά σύνολα) Catalog number: 33993 Page: 35 Source: ΔΕΒ Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Scheme modulations Writer: Ancis, S. Publisher: Carl Fischer ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1929 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Schoenberg and his school Writer: Leibowitz, Rene Publisher: Da Capo Press ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1970 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΙΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Secondary school music Writer: Glenn, Neal & McBride, William Publisher: Prentice Hall inc. ISBN: Place: New Jersey Date published: 1970 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΔΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Serial composition Writer: Brindle, Smith Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0193119064 Place: Oxford Date published: 1986 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΘΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Serial composition and atonality Writer: Perle, G. Publisher: University of California Press ISBN: 0-520-04365-0 Place: Berkeley Date published: 1981 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΘΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Serial music Writer: Basart, P. Publisher: University of California Press ISBN: 0837187532 Place: California Date published: 1976 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΘΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Serius music and all that jazz Writer: Pleasants Publisher: Simon & Schuster ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1963 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΦΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ξ Φ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Silence Writer: Cage, John Publisher: Wesleyan University Press ISBN: 0-8195-6028-6 Place: Connecticut Date published: 1973 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΦΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ξ Φ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Singe me back home Writer: Haggard, Merle & Russel, Peggy Publisher: Times books ISBN: 0-8129-09856-0 Place: Canada Date published: 1981 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: Ξ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Some enchanted evenings Writer: Taylor, Deims Publisher: Harper & brothers publications ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1953 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: Ξ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonata forms Writer: Rosen, Charles Publisher: W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN: 0-393-01203-4 Place: New York Date published: 1988 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Songbook......Natalie Cole Writer: Collections Publisher: Chery Lane music Co. ISBN: 0-09524-048-3 Place: U.S.A. Date published: 1979 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΠΛΖΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Λ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Songs that made america Writer: Warner, J. Publisher: Grossman publishers ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1972 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΠΛΖΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Λ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Source reading in music history Writer: Strunk, Oliver Publisher: W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1950 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΙΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Source reading in music history. Antiquity and the Middle Ages. Writer: Strunk, Oliver Publisher: W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN: 0-393-09680-7 Place: New York Date published: 1965 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΙΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Source reading in music history. The baroque era Writer: Strunk, Oliver Publisher: W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN: 0-393-09682-3 Place: New York Date published: 1965 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΙΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Source reading in music history. The classic era Writer: Strunk, Oliver Publisher: W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN: 0-393-09683-1 Place: New York Date published: 1965 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΙΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Source reading in music history. The reneissance. Writer: Strunk, Oliver Publisher: W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN: 0-393-09681-5 Place: New York Date published: 1965 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΙΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Source reading in music history. The romantic era. Writer: Strunk, Oliver Publisher: W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN: 0-393-09684-X Place: New York Date published: 1965 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΙΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Stranded. Rock n? roll for a desert island Writer: Marcus, Greil Publisher: Alfred A. Knopf ISBN: 0-394-50828-9 Place: New York Date published: 1979 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΖΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Stravinsky Writer: White E. Publisher: University of California Press ISBN: 0-520-03985-8 Place: Berkeley Date published: 1979 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Structural functions of harmony Writer: Schoenberg, Arnold Publisher: W.W. Norton & Co. ISBN: 0-393-00478-3 Place: New York Date published: 1969 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΘΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Θ Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sudies in modern music Writer: Hadow, W. Publisher: Seeley & Co. LTD ISBN: Place: London Date published: 1897 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΔΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Stutterin? boy Writer: Tillis, Mel & Wacer, Walter Publisher: Rawson associates ISBN: 0-89256-263-3 Place: New York Date published: 1984 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: Ξ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Style and idea Writer: Stein L. Publisher: University of California Press ISBN: 0-520-05286-2 Place: Berkeley Date published: 1975 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΜΦΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Φ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Supplement to music since 1900 Writer: Slominsky, Nicolas Publisher: Charles Scribner?s sons ISBN: 0-684-18438-9 Place: New York Date published: 1986 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΙΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Supplement to the symphonies of Joseph Haydn Writer: Landon, Robins Publisher: Macmillan Co. ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1961 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Symphonic broadcasts Writer: Downes, Olin Publisher: The Dial Press ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1932 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Symphonic masterpieces Writer: Downes, Olin Publisher: The Dial Press ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1936 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: S.C. Category: EM Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Symphonies and other orchestral works Writer: Tovey, Donald Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: 0-19-315147-2 Place: Oxford Date published: 1989 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Symphony hall, Boston Writer: Johnson, H. Publisher: Little, Brown & Co. ISBN: Place: Boston Date published: 1950 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Symphony orchestras of the world Writer: Craven, Robert Publisher: Greenwood Press ISBN: 0-313-24073-6 Place: New York Date published: 1987 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sur le χελιδόνισμα Writer: Baud - Bovy, Samuel Publisher: ISBN: Place: New York City Date published: 1946 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Byzantina-Metabyzantina I, N.Y.C., 23-32 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΔΩΔΒΑ Category: ΒΜΞΗ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B H Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sur la chanson grecque antique et moderne Writer: Baud - Bovy, Samuel Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1953 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Category: ΒΜΞΗ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B H Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Revue musicale suisse 93, 418-423 Code: Writer:  
  Title: Souvenirs d?une mission musicale en Grce et d?Orient Writer: Bourgault - Ducoudray, Louis Albert Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1878 Edition number: 2nd ed. Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Category: ΒΝΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonatinen album 1 Writer: Συλλογικό έργο Publisher: K. Παπαγρηγορίου - X. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Πιάνο Catalog number: Page: Source: τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonatine Writer: Θεοδωράκης Publisher: K. Παπαγρηγορίου - X. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Πιάνο Catalog number: Page: Source: τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Summaries Writer: Μπουντούνης Publisher: K. Παπαγρηγορίου - X. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κιθάρα Catalog number: Page: Source: τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Spanish music Writer: Evangelos & Lisa Publisher: K. Παπαγρηγορίου - X. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: 2 Κιθάρες Catalog number: Page: Source: τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfezhi 4 Writer: Publisher: Shtypshkronjo Dispensave ISBN: Place: Tiran? Date published: 1982 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: IEMA Category: ΞΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Synthesizer Handbuch Writer: Dellmann / Thewes Publisher: MM - Musik Media Verlag GmbH ISBN: Place: Date published: 1986 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: IEMA Category: ΞΓ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Γ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Six melodies populaires grecques pour chant et piano. Writer: Poniridy, G. Publisher: Maurice Senart ISBN: Place: Paris Date published: 1926 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: 2496 Page: 549 Source: Βιβλιογραφία της ελληνικής λαογραφίας των ετών 1921-1938. Συμπλήρωμα. Category: ΕΠΛ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Suites Francaises Writer: Bach Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: Suites Anglaises Writer: Bach Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sticherarium Writer: Carsten Hšeg, H.J.W. Tillyard, Egon Wellesz , eds Publisher: ISBN: Place: Copenhague Date published: 1935 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Monumenta musicae byzantinae, ediderunt Carsten Hšeg, H.J.W. Tillyard, Egon Wellesz 1935: απο τοΙ - Χ ανήκουν εδώ Catalog number: 48.3 Page: Source: ΓΒ,ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΛΩ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: Β Λ Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Studie zur altchristlichen Vokalmusik in der griechischen und lateinischen kirche und ihr Zusammenhang mit der altgriechischen Musik Writer: Krausse, Bernhard Rudolf Publisher: ISBN: Place: Leipzig Date published: 1892 Edition number: Pages: 51+[1] Product: 22cm Comments: Inaug. - Diss. - Leipzig Catalog number: 60.15 Page: 5 Source: ΓΒ Category: BM Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Specimen lexici in musica graecos Writer: Vetter, Max Herman Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1861 Edition number: Pages: 34 Product: 25cm Comments: Misenae, 1861 Programm Catalog number: 35 Page: 165 Source: ΓΒ Category: AN Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: A N Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sur un point d' histoire de la musique grecque Writer: Tannery, Paul, Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1902 Edition number: Pages: 49- 54 Product: Comments: (Extrait de la Revue archeologique, 1902, p. 49- 54) Catalog number: 503 Page: 164 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΑΙΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: A Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Studien zur griechischen Musik- Geschichte. B. Die Prosodien und die denselben verwandten GesŠnge der Griechen Writer: Reimann, Heinrich Publisher: ISBN: Place: Glatz Date published: 1885 Edition number: Pages: 23 Product: 25cm Comments: Glatz, 1885/ 23p. / Beilage zur Ostern - Programm 1885 des kšniglichwn katholischen Gymnasiums zu Glatz Catalog number: 35 Page: 157 Source: ΓΒ Category: AM Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: A M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Studien zur griechischen Musik- Geschichte. A. Der Νόμος... Writer: Reimann Heinrich Publisher: Ratidor ISBN: Place: Ostern Date published: 1882 Edition number: Pages: 24 Product: 25cm Comments: Ratidor, 1882 / 24p. / Beilage zur Jahresberichte des Kšniglichen Gymnasiums zu Ratidor, Ostern 1882 Catalog number: 35 Page: 156 Source: ΓΒ Category: AM Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: A M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Studien zur alten griechischen Musik... Eingereicht von Joh. Papastamatopoulos Writer: Παπασταματόπουλος, Ιωάννης Publisher: Druck von F. Krenger ISBN: Place: Bonn Date published: 1878 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Diss., Jena Catalog number: 52.3858 Page: 155 Source: ΓΒ Category: BM Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: B M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Supplment ˆ la Dissertation sur la theorie de l' ancienne musique comparŽe avec celle de la musique moderne Writer: Burette, Pierre Jean Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1751 Edition number: Pages: 20 Product: Comments: (MŽmoires de LittŽrature, t.17, 1751, p. 107-126 plates; detached copy) Catalog number: 2607 Page: 136 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΑΘΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: Α Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Signatures and cadences of the Byzantine modes, by H.J.W. Tillyard Writer: Tillyard, H.J.W. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: 78- 87 Product: Comments: Reprinted from the Annual of the British school at Athens, no. XXVI, 1923- 1924; 1924- 1925, p. 78- 87 Catalog number: 52.15 Page: 104 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Studies in Eastern chant Writer: Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: Place: London Date published: 1966 Edition number: Pages: 1 v. : plates ; 22 cm Product: Comments: Catalog number: 48.65 Page: 97 Source: ΓΒ Category: BM Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: B M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer: general editors Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic  
  Title: Sur la 'participation' musicale chez Plotin Writer: Μουτσόπουλος, E. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1971 Edition number: Pages: 12 Product: Comments: Catalog number: 1123 Page: Source: QABH70-73 Category: ΑΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: A Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sind die Reste der altgriechischen Musik noch heute kŸnstlerisch wirksam? Writer: Fleischer, Oskar Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: GEB / Ztschr. der internat. Musikgesellschaft, I. Jahrg. 1899/ 1900. Heft 3 Catalog number: Page: 5 Source: ΓΒ Category: ΑΦ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: Α Φ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Suite for double string quartet Writer: Δραγατάκης, Δ. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Έλληνες συνθέτες Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonatines graduees 2o Writer: Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Εκπαιδευτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonatines graduees 1o Writer: Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Εκπαιδευτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonaten album 1o Writer: Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Εκπαιδευτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: Songs without words Writer: Mendelssohn Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Εκπαιδευτικά πιάνου Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonatinas op. 151, 168 Writer: Diabelli Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Εκπαιδευτικά πιάνου Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege κλειδί του sol 1o Writer: Διαμαντής, Γ. Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 3 Writer: Reuchsel Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 10 Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 7B Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 7A Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 6B Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 6A Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 5B Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 4C Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 4A Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 3G Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 3F Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 3E Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 3D Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 3C Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 3A Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 2C Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 2A Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfege vol. 1A Writer: Lemoine Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Si J?etais roi : οuverture Writer: Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sarasate op. 22 : romance andalouse Writer: Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Serenade d?autre fois Writer: Silvestri Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sarasate op. 20 : Ziguenerweise Writer: Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Serenade Writer: PiŽrnŽ Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Schon Rosmarin Writer: Kreisler Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Souvenir Writer: Drdla Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Serenade (Kubelik) Writer: Drdla Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Schuler Konzerte I posit. op. 51 No 8 en la min. Writer: Se?tz, Fr. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Schuler Konzerte I posit. op. 25 No 7 en La min. Writer: Se?tz, Fr. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Schuler Konzerte I posit. op. 50 No 6 en Re maj. Writer: Se?tz, Fr. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Schuler Konzerte I posit. op. 7 No 5 en Re maj. Writer: Se?tz, Fr. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Schuler Konzerte I posit. op. 13 No 4 en Re maj. Writer: Se?tz, Fr. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Schuler Konzerte I posit. op. 12 No 3 en Sol min. Writer: Se?tz, Fr. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Schuler Konzerte I posit. op. 22 No 2 en Re maj. Writer: Se?tz, Fr. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Schuler Konzerte I posit. op. 13 en Re maj. No 1 Writer: Se?tz, Fr. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solo pour guitare Writer: Munier Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Εκλεκτά τεμάχια διασκευασμένα δια κιθάραν Catalog number: Page: 6 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Serenade Writer: Toselli Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Simple Aveu Writer: ThomŽ Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sous la feuillŽ Writer: ThomŽ Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Serenade Writer: Schubert Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Serenata d?autrefois Writer: Silvestri Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sous bois Writer: Staub Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sous ta fenetre close Writer: Xanthopoulo, T. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sur les vagues - valse Writer: Rosas Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Serenade Writer: Durdla Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sylvia valse triste Writer: Delibes Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Serenade Writer: Braga Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Code: Writer:  
  Title: Solfeghietto Writer: Bach Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Code: Writer:  
  Title: Santa Lucia : διά τραγούδι και πιάνο Writer: Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 3 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΠΛ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Serenata Writer: Toselli Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Διά τραγούδι και πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 3 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΠΛ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Si tu le voulais (Άν τόθελες εσύ) Writer: Tosti, P. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Διά τραγούδι και πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 3 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΠΛ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Si vous l?aviez compris. (Αν με είχες νοιώση) Writer: Denza Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Διά τραγούδι και πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 3 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΠΛ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Symphonie inachevŽe Writer: Schubert Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonatines Album Writer: Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonates 1er cahier Writer: Mozart Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonatines I Writer: Kuhlau Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonates I Writer: Haydn Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonatines op. 151 - 168 Writer: Diabelli Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonatines op. 36, 37. 38. Writer: Clementi Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonatines Writer: Beethoven, L. Van Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonates (Casella) II Vol. Writer: Beethoven, L. Van Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonates (Casella) I Vol. Writer: Beethoven, L. Van Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: Simple Minds Writer: Publisher: Οδός Πανός ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 462 Source: OB - 4 Category: EZ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonatina Writer: Μαργαρίτη, Λώρη Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 444 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonatina No 1 Writer: Δραγατάκης, Δημήτρης Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 444 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Suite in a minor and d minor Writer: Λιλά, Ζωή Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Sonatinen Album 1 Writer: Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1987 Edition number: Pages: 125 σ. Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 441 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Siouxie and the Banshees. Writer: Κειμ - Μετ. Αλέκος Οικονόμου Publisher: Αίολος, Blow Up ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1987 Edition number: Pages: 220 Product: Comments: Catalog number: 1921 Page: Source: OB - 4 Category: EZ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Scorpions Writer: Publisher: Blow Up ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 94 Source: OB - 4 Category: EZ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Simple minds .Ο αγώνας είναι το βραβείο Writer: Μπός A . Publisher: Οδός Πανός - Σιγαρέτα ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1987 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: 260000045 Page: Source: Category: R Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Suonar Leggendo : παίζω διαβάζοντας Writer: Alfredo Palmieri Publisher: Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1985 Edition number: Pages: 120 σ. Product: Comments: Μέθοδος φλογέρας με μια συλλογή αυθεντικών κομματιών · E P N 44 Catalog number: Page: Source: Category: Δ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Translation: Κοκαλιάρη , Λένα titlos_siras: Code: Writer: