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A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z |
The word N was found in 21 records. Click on the links for details
Title: | Neue Musik aus Deutschland und der Schweiz
Writer: |
Publisher: |
Place: | Basel
Date published: | 1964
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 529
Page: |
Source: | ΕΘΝΒ
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Nouveaux fragments musicaux sur papyrus (une notation antique par points)
Writer: | Jourdan-Hemmerdinger, Denise
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 4 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1979
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | ΒΜΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Nick Cave.
Writer: | Κοντόπουλος, Βασίλης.
Publisher: | Σιγαρέτα (Οδός Πανός).
ISBN: | 960-7165-47-0
Place: | Αθήνα.
Date published: | 1993
Edition number: |
Pages: | 93
Product: | 21X14.
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 33193
Page: | 35
Source: | ΔΕΒ
Category: | EZ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Z
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | New music vocabulary
Writer: | Rissati, Howard
Publisher: | University of Illinois Press
ISBN: | 0-252-00406-X
Place: | Illinois
Date published: | 1976
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 5
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Norton anthology of western music...vol II
Writer: | Palisca, Claude
Publisher: | W.W. Norton
ISBN: | 0-393-95143-X
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1980
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 5
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΠΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Norton anthology of western music...vol I
Writer: | Palisca, Claude
Publisher: | W.W. Norton
ISBN: | 0-393-95644-X
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1988
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 5
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΠΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Nuovi suoni per i 'legni'
Writer: | Bartolozzi, Bruno
Publisher: | Suivini, Zerboni
Place: | Milano
Date published: | 1974
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | IEMA
Category: | ΞΘ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Θ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | New music in Greece
Writer: | Slominsky, N.
Publisher: | Music Quarterly 51
Place: |
Date published: | 1965
Edition number: |
Pages: | 225
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | Documents musique et informatique: une bibliographie idexe
Category: | ENΡ;Ξ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ν Ξ Ρ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Nicolas Rimsky - Korsakow
Writer: | Markvitch
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 454
Source: | Βιβλ/φιά: NM - ΣΜ
Category: | EN
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E N
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Notice sur divers manuscrits grecs relatifs la musique, comprenant une traduction francaise et des commentaires. Par M.A.J.H. Vincent
Writer: | Vincent Alexandrie Josheph Hidulphe, 1797 - 1868
Publisher: | Imprimerie royal
Place: | Paris
Date published: | 1847
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | In Notices et extraits des manuscrits de la Bibliothque du roi et autres bibliothques, XVI, 2e partie
Catalog number: | 4601
Page: | 169
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΒΙΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Notes sur la musique grecque. Confrence faite Athnes par Louis Nicole, lors de l' Excution de l' Hymne Delphique Apollon. (L' Avenir musical, supplment, 1894)
Writer: | Nicole, Louis
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: | 8
Product: | 25cm
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 35
Page: | 150
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΑΜΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | A Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Nouvelles rflexions sur la symphonie de l' ancienne musique, pour sevrir de confirmation ce qu' on a t?ch d' establir l- dessus dans le quatrime volume des Mmoires de Litterature
Writer: | Burette, Pierre Jean
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 1729
Edition number: |
Pages: | 8 p.
Product: |
Comments: | (Mmoires de Littrature, t.8, 1733, p. 63- 80; detached copy) / Presented 23 August 1729
Catalog number: | 15
Page: | 133
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΑΜΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | A Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Neugriechische Volkslieder
Writer: | Haxthausen, W.
Publisher: |
Place: | Mnster
Date published: | 1935
Edition number: |
Pages: | 195
Product: |
Comments: | (Collected c. 1815).General referance
Catalog number: |
Page: | 54
Source: | MGC-SB
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Nouvelles observations sur les problmes musicaux attribus Aristote
Writer: | Reinach, Th. et Eichthal,Engne d'
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 1900
Edition number: |
Pages: | 18f
Product: |
Comments: | GEB / R?tGr. XIII (1900), 18f
Catalog number: |
Page: | 18
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΑΜΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | A Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Neil Young
Writer: |
Publisher: | Νιάρχος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 240
Source: | OB - 1, OB-2
Category: | EZ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Z
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Norma
Writer: |
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 7
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Nocturne
Writer: | Fild
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Nouveau Gradus II
Writer: | Philip
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: | 1
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΠΔ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Nouveau Gradus I
Writer: | Philip
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: | 1
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΠΔ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Notes tenues
Writer: | Philip
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: | 1
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΠΔ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Nocturnes
Writer: | Chopin
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: | 1
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |