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The word J was found in 22 records. Click on the links for details

  Title: Japanese music and musical instruments Writer: Malm, William P. Publisher: Charles E. Tuffle ISBN: Place: Rutland, Vermont Date published: 1983 Edition number: Pages: 299 Product: 26 cm illus. (some in col.) Comments: Catalog number: 78525 Page: Source: ΜΠΕΒ Category: ΑΜΓΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Α Γ Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Jingle bells. Writer: Τσάρβις Τσάρλς Ε . Publisher: Fagotto. ISBN: 960-7075-21-8 Place: Αθήνα. Date published: 1992 Edition number: Pages: 12. Product: 29X21 Comments: (Μελωδίες για μικρά σύνολα) Catalog number: 34493 Page: 35 Source: ΕΔΒ ΔΕΒ Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Jazz composition and orchestration Writer: Russo, W. Publisher: University of Chicago Press ISBN: 0-226-73211-8 Place: Chicago Date published: 1974 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΘΖΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Jean Sibelius Writer: Ekman, Karl Publisher: Tudor publishing Co. ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1946 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Johan Sebastian Bach.....the culmination of an era Writer: Geiringer, K. Publisher: Oxford University Press ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1966 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: John Barbirolli biography Writer: Reid, Charles Publisher: Tablinger publishing Co. ISBN: 0-8008-4408-4 Place: New York Date published: 1971 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: John Dowland Writer: Poulton, Diana Publisher: California University Press ISBN: 0-520-04649-8 Place: Berkeley Date published: 1982 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Joys & sorrows Writer: Casals, Pablo Publisher: Simon and Schuster ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1970 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Jug bands and the handmade music Writer: Collier, James Publisher: Grosset & Dunlap inc. ISBN: 0-448-26248-7 Place: New York Date published: 1973 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Jazz / Σ. Ραυτόπουλος Writer: Αλεξίου, M. Publisher: Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1984 Edition number: 2η εκδ. Pages: 144 σ. Product: Comments: E P N 41 Catalog number: Page: Source: τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα Category: ΕΘΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Θ Translation: titlos_siras: Θεωρητικά διδακτικά Code: Writer:  
  Title: Jazz compositions Writer: Αλεξίου, M. Publisher: Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Διάφορα Catalog number: Page: Source: τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα Category: ΕΠΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Jim Morrison 2. 'Ενας σύγχρονος μάγος Writer: Νταλούκας, Μανώλης Publisher: Βασδέκης ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1982 Edition number: Pages: 116 Product: Comments: Catalog number: 3126 Page: Source: OB - 2 Category: EZ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Jimmi Hendrix Writer: Publisher: Νιάρχος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 240 Source: OB - 1 Category: EZ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Jazz combinations Writer: Alexiou, Marcos Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Βιβλία θεωρίας Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: EZ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Joy Division Writer: Publisher: Αίολος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1984 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 31 Source: OB - 4 Category: EZ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Janis Joplin : μια ιέρεια Writer: Αυρίλη, K. Publisher: Γ. Βασδέκης ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1982 Edition number: Pages: 136 σ. Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 81 Source: OB - 4 Category: EZ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Jim Morrison 1- 2 Writer: Νταλούκα, Μαν. Publisher: Γ. Βασδέκης ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 81 Source: OB - 4 Category: EZ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Jethro Tull : τα τραγούδια τους Writer: Publisher: Κατσάνος ISBN: Place: Θεσσαλονίκη Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 348 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΛΖ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Λ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Joy Division Writer: Brian, Edge Publisher: Κατσάνος ISBN: Place: Θεσ/νίκη Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 348 Source: OB - 4 Category: EZ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: John Lennon Writer: Χατζηδάκης Κώστας Publisher: Βασδέκης ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: 260000089 Page: Source: Category: R Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Jazz 1900-1990 ιστορικός και δισκογραφικός οδηγός Writer: Γιαννόπουλος, Κώστας Publisher: Λιβάνης-Νέα Σύνορα ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1990 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: 260000260 Page: Source: ΠΟΕΒ Category: JIW Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: I Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Jagger Writer: Άντερσεν, Κρίστοφερ Publisher: Λιβάνης - Νέα Σύνορα ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1994 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: 260000386 Page: Source: ΠΟΕΒ Category: Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer: