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The word I was found in 54 records. Click on the links for details

  Title: Illustriertes Musik-Lexikon Writer: Publisher: Engelhorns, J. ISBN: Place: Stuttgart Date published: 1927 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: 529 Page: Source: ΕΘΝΒ Category: ΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Imnul de stat al Republici i Socialiste Romania, Muzica de Ciprian Porumbescu Writer: Porumbescu, Ciprian Publisher: Muzicala ISBN: Place: Bucuresti Date published: 1977 Edition number: Pages: Product: 8o Comments: Catalog number: 596 Page: Source: ΕΘΝΒ Category: ΕΠΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: IL TRIONFO DI CLELIA NUOVO DRAMMA del celebre ANTONIO SIMONE SOGRAFI Da rappresentarsi in musica NEL TEATRO GRANDE ALLA SCALA DI MILANO IL CARNEVALE DEL 1799. Writer: Sografi, Antonio Simon Publisher: Gio. Batista Bianchi ISBN: Place: MILANO Date published: 1799 Edition number: Pages: 53 + [2] Product: Comments: Catalog number: 889 Page: 346 Source: EB 1466-1800β Category: ΕΟΛΠΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Ξ Ο Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: ISBD (PM): International Standard Bibliographic Description for Printed Music Writer: Publisher: IFLA International Office for UBC ISBN: 0-903043-26-2 Place: London Date published: 1980 Edition number: Pages: x, 53 p. ; σχ. 4ο Product: Comments: International Federation of Library Associations and Institutions. Joint Working Group on the International Standard Bibliographic Description for Printed Music Catalog number: 18171411984 Page: Source: ΕΘΝΒ Category: ΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer: recommended by the Joint Working Group on the International Standard Bibliographic Description for printed Music ; approved by the Standing committee of the IFLA Section on Cataloguing and by the International Association of Music Libraries  
  Title: Intonation Formulas and modal Pars secunda Writer: Publisher: ISBN: Place: Hauniae Date published: 1970 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Πίνακες Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: EM Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: E M Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: In memoriam Egon Wellesz Writer: Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Από 'Studies in Eastern Chant', τόμος 4 / gen. ed. Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic, N.Y. 1979 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΕΙΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: E Ι Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Intonation in Theory and Practice of Greek and Turkish Music Writer: Ζάννος, Γ. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Η.Π.Α. Date published: 1990 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Ανάτυπο από Yearbook of ICTM 22 Catalog number: Page: Source: ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΘΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: Β Θ Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: I Sistemi Alfabetici di Scrittura Musicale per Scrivere la Musica Bizantina nel Periodo 1790-1850 Writer: Στάθης, Γρηγόριος Θ. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Θεσσαλονίκη Date published: 1972 Edition number: Pages: 38 Product: Comments: Ανάτυπο 'Κληρονομιά' τμ. 4ος Β' σελ. 365-402· νότες Catalog number: 62.82 Page: 96 Source: ΜΛΑ, ΓΒ, Βυζαντινή βιβλιογρ. 1971-1976. Category: ΒΙΝΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B I Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: I manoscritti e la tradizione musicale Bizantino-Sinaitica (contributo alla storia di musica bizantina). Writer: Stathis G.T. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1972 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Θεολογία 43 (1972) 271-308. Catalog number: Page: 35 Source: Βυζαντινή βιβλιογρ. 1971-1976. Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: I really should be practicing Writer: Graffman, Gary Publisher: Doubleday & Co. ISBN: 0-385-15559-X Place: New York Date published: 1981 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΔΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Impresario Writer: Hurok, S. & Goode, Ruthe Publisher: Randome house ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1946 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΝΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Improvisation in music Writer: Wollner, Gertrude Publisher: Bruce Humphries ISBN: Place: Boston Date published: 1963 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΔΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Inga play Writer: Pearson, Molly & Randall, Alice Publisher: Exposition Press ISBN: Place: New York Date published: 1952 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: Ξ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Interpreting Bach's well-tempered clavier Writer: Kirpatrick, Ralph Publisher: Yale University Press ISBN: 0-300-03058-4 Place: New Haven Date published: 1984 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΔΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Interpreting Mozart on the keyboard Writer: Black, L. Publisher: Da Capo Press ISBN: 030676265X Place: New York Date published: 1986 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΔΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer: E. Badura  
  Title: Introduction to electro-acoustic music Writer: Schrader, Barry Publisher: Prentice-hall ISBN: 0-13-481515-7 Place: New Jersey Date published: 1982 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΘΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Θ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Introduction to the psychology of music Writer: Revesz, G. Publisher: Oklahoma University Press ISBN: Place: Oklahoma Date published: 1954 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΦΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ξ Φ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Introduction to the theory of Heinrich Schenker Writer: Jonas, Oswald Publisher: Schrimer books ISBN: 0-02-873120-4 Place: New York Date published: 1982 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 4 Source: S.C. Category: ΕΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Instrumental polyphonic folk music in Asia Minor. Writer: Picken, Laurence Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1954 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Proceedings of the Royal Musical Assaciation 1953/54, 75-85 Catalog number: Page: Source: Category: ΒΜΞΗ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B H Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Inventionen 2 φωνες Writer: Bach, J. S. Publisher: Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Πιάνο Catalog number: Page: Source: τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer: Busoni  
  Title: Inventionen 3 φωνες Writer: Bach, J. S. Publisher: Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Πιάνο Catalog number: Page: Source: τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer: Busoni  
  Title: Il Piccolo Pischna Writer: Pischna. επιμ. Moroni Publisher: K. Παπαγρηγορίου - X. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Πιάνο Catalog number: Page: Source: τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Impromptus, moments musicaux Writer: Schubert. επιμ.: Pauer Publisher: K. Παπαγρηγορίου - X. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Πιάνο Catalog number: Page: Source: τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: International computer music conference Writer: Publisher: ISBN: Place: Kšln Date published: 1988 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: IEMA Category: ΞΕΝ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Igor Stravinsky. A complete catalogue. Writer: Clifford, Coesar Publisher: San Fransisco Press ISBN: Place: San Fransisco Date published: 1982 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: IEMA Category: ΞΕΝ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: In harmoniques : Musique et autenticitŽ Writer: Publisher: IRCAM ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: IEMA Category: ΞΝ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: International music guide Writer: Publisher: Jane Dudman Tanity Press ISBN: Place: London Date published: 1983 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: Source: IEMA Category: ΞΝ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ν Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Inventions a 2 voix Writer: Bach, J. S. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: Inventions a 3 voix Writer: Bach, J. S. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: Il popolo del blues Writer: Leroi, Jones Publisher: Einaudi Editore ISBN: Place: Torino Date published: 1968 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 198 Source: Βιβλ/φιά: KIP- MK Category: ΕΜΖΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Intonation formulas and modal signatures in Byzantine musical manuscripts Writer: Raasted, Jοrgen Publisher: ISBN: Place: Copenhagen Date published: 1966 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: 48.46 Page: Source: ΓΒ,ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΜΘΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: Β Θ Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: I canti ecclesiastici greco- siculi Writer: Falsone, Francesco Publisher: Cedam ISBN: Place: Padova Date published: 1936 Edition number: Pages: 342+VI+[1] Product: 24½ cm Comments: Catalog number: 58.3 Page: 118 Source: ΓΒ, ΜΛΑ-ΛΑ(Βυζ. Μουσ) Category: ΒΜΞ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: B Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: I manoscritti e la tradizione musicale bizantinosinaitica Writer: Στάθης, Γρηγόριος Θ. Publisher: ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 1972 Edition number: Pages: 40 Product: 24cm Comments: Appendice, il manoscritto musicale, Sina,1477[di] Gr. Th. Stathis /Estratto da Theologia Catalog number: 62.8 Page: 93 Source: ΓΒ,ΜΛΑ Category: ΒΙΜΞ Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: B I Μ Ξ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Il Piccolo Pischna Writer: Pischna Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Εκπαιδευτικά πιάνου Catalog number: Page: Source: Κατάλογος ?92 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Italiana in Algeria : οuverture Writer: Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: II cahier sur les 5 positions Writer: Laoureux, N. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια βιολί Catalog number: Page: 7 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Impromptu op. 142 Writer: Schubert Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 5 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Invitation a la valse Writer: Weber Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Impromptus Writer: Rheinold Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 2 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Ideal (Σ'ακολουθούσα) Writer: Tosti, P. Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Διά τραγούδι και πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 3 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΠΛ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Il bacio = το φιλί Writer: Arditi Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Διά τραγούδι και πιάνο Catalog number: Page: 3 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΠΛ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Λ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Impromptus & Moments musicaux Writer: Schubert Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Impromptus op. 90 Writer: Schubert Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: IV cahier, op. 61 Writer: Berens Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: Inventions a 2 et 3 voix Writer: Bach Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: Isaac Albeniz Writer: Ασημακόπουλος Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Ε Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: I - II - III - IV Writer: Κηλαηδόνης, Λουκιανός Publisher: Φ. Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 442 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΖΛΩ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Ζ Λ Ω Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Inventions a trois voix Writer: Bach, J. S. Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 441 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Iron Maiden. Η ιστορία και τα τραγούδια τους Writer: Εισ-μετ. Θόδωρος Ρωμανός Publisher: Μπαρμπουνάκης ISBN: Place: Θεσσαλονίκη Date published: 1986 Edition number: Pages: 125 Product: Comments: Catalog number: 1856 Page: Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΖΙΛ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: E Z Ι Λ Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Iron Maiden Writer: Κουτουβός Γιάννης Publisher: Ιδιωτική ISBN: Place: Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: 260000183 Page: Source: Category: R Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Iggy Pop : Ένας άγριος Writer: Νίλσεν Πέρ - Σέρμαν Ντόροθυ Publisher: ISBN: Place: Date published: 1989 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: 260000235 Page: Source: Category: PX Calculations: Number: Choice: New category: P X Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: Inventions a deux voix Writer: Bach, J. S. Publisher: Νάκας ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 441 Source: OB - 4 Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Code: Writer:  
  Title: II cahier, op. 61 Writer: Berens Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Code: Writer:  
  Title: III cahier, op. 61 Writer: Berens Publisher: Γαϊτάνος ISBN: Place: Αθήνα Date published: 0 Edition number: Pages: Product: Comments: Catalog number: Page: 1 Source: φυλλάδιο Category: ΕΠΔ Calculations: 0 Number: Choice: New category: Δ Ε Translation: titlos_siras: Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου Code: Writer: