Search for: |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z |
The word R was found in 49 records. Click on the links for details
Title: | Repertoriul general al creatiei muzicale Romanesti
Writer: | Popescu, Mihai
Publisher: | Muzicala
Place: | Bucuresti
Date published: | 1979
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: | 8ο
Comments: | 2 τ.
Catalog number: | 596
Page: |
Source: | ΕΘΝΒ
Category: | EM
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E M
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Romania muzicala
Writer: | Cosma, Viorel
Publisher: | Editura Muzicala
Place: | Bucuresti
Date published: | 1980
Edition number: |
Pages: | 131 [1]
Product: | 8ο εικ
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 183
Page: |
Source: | ΕΘΝΒ
Category: | EM
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E M
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Recherches sur l' histoire de la gamme arabe, par J.P.N. Land, S.L., s.a.
Writer: | Land, Jan Pieter Nicolaas
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: | 132
Product: |
Comments: | Unidentified extract. σ. 37-168
Catalog number: | 106
Page: | 17
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΑΜΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | A Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Round Europe. An entertainment with song
Writer: | Curwen, J. Spencer
Publisher: | J. Curwen, s.a.
Place: | London
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: | [2]+36p.
Product: | 21½ cm
Comments: | The readings written, and the airs harmonised as part - songs, by J.S. Curwen / A collection of national anthems
Catalog number: | 114
Page: | 23
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΕΠΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rythme et mesure dans la musique populaire bulgare par Stoyan Djoudjeff
Writer: | Dzudzev, Stoyan
Publisher: | Institut d' ?tudes Slaves, XII
Place: | Paris
Date published: | 1931
Edition number: |
Pages: | ii+364+[3]p.
Product: | 25½ cm.
Comments: | Paris, librairie ancienne Champion, 1931 / music.(Travaux publis par l' Institut d' ?tudes Slaves, XII)
Catalog number: | 102.5
Page: | 26
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΒΜΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Recueil de chansons populaires grecques
Writer: | Legrand, Emile
Publisher: | 'Maisonneuve'
Place: | Paris
Date published: | 1874
Edition number: |
Pages: | 376
Product: |
Comments: | Παρατ.: 'Κείμενο ελληνικό και γαλλικό'
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | BZ
Category: | ΒΜΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Reflections on Transcribing the Hirmoi in Byzantine Music
Writer: | Sthr, Maria
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 1 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1966
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | ΒΜΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rebetika Carmina Graeciae Recentioris. Sections one and two
Writer: | Gauntlett, Stathis
Publisher: | University of Melbourne
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | ΕΖΛΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ζ Λ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rebetika Carmina Graeciae Recentioris. Sections three, four and Appendices
Writer: | Gauntlett, Stathis
Publisher: | University of Melbourne
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | ΕΖΛΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ζ Λ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Road to Rembetika (music from a Greek sub-culture, songs of love, sorrow and hashish)
Writer: | Holst, Gail
Publisher: |
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 1975
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | ΕΖΚΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Z Κ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | R.E.M.
Writer: |
Publisher: | Σιγαρέτα (Οδός Πανός)
ISBN: | 960-7165-46-2
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 1993
Edition number: |
Pages: | 102 σ. · 21 εκ.
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 34593260000338
Page: | 35
Source: | ΕΔΒ ΔΕΒ
Category: | EZ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Z
Translation: | Δημήτρης Λαλέτας
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Raise up off me
Writer: | Hawes, H. & Asher, Don
Publisher: | Coward, McCann & Geoghegan
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1974
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Ravel. Life and works.
Writer: | Myers R.
Publisher: | Greenwood Press
ISBN: | 0-8371-6841-4
Place: | Westport
Date published: | 1973
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Ravel rememberd
Writer: | Nichols, Roger
Publisher: | W.W. Norton & Co.
ISBN: | 0-333-02573-X
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1988
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Renaissance and baroque music
Writer: | Blume, F.
Publisher: | Norton
ISBN: | 0393097102
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1967
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΙΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Reputation for a song
Writer: | Grierson, Ed.
Publisher: | Alfred A. Knopf
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1953
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | Ξ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Richard Wagner?s music dramas
Writer: | Dalhaus, R.
Publisher: | Cambridge University Press
ISBN: | 0-521-22397-0
Place: | Cambridge
Date published: | 1979
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΜΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Ring resounding
Writer: | Culshaw, John
Publisher: | The Viking Press
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1967
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | Ξ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Romantic music
Writer: | Plantinga, L.
Publisher: | W.W. Norton
ISBN: | 0-393-95196-0
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1984
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΙΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ι Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Requiem
Writer: | Θεοδωράκης, Μίκης
Publisher: | K. Παπαγρηγορίου - X. Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Χορωδία
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα
Category: | ΕΠΛ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Λ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rponse M. Ftis et rfutation de son mmoire sur cette question: Les Grecs et les Romains ont - ils connu l' harmonie simultane des sons? En ont - ils fait usage dans leur musique?
Writer: | Vincent, Alexandrie Josheph Hidulphe
Publisher: | Imprimerie de L. Danel
Place: | Lille
Date published: | 1859
Edition number: |
Pages: | 80
Product: | 22cm. 5plates, 28cm
Comments: | Extrait des Mmoires de la Socit imperiale des sciences de l' agriculture et des arts de Lille
Catalog number: | 31
Page: | 170
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΒΕΜΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B E Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Recherches sur la symponie des anciens, par M. de Rochefort
Writer: | Rochefort, Guillanme Dubois de
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 1776
Edition number: |
Pages: | 17
Product: |
Comments: | (Mmoires de Littrature, t. 41, 1780, p. 365- m381; detached copy) / Paper presented 27 February 1776
Catalog number: | 15
Page: | 159
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΑΜΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | A Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Research and studies in Greek sacred music [by] M. K. Hadjiyakoumis
Writer: | Χατζηγιακουμής, Μανόλης
Publisher: |
Place: | Athens
Date published: | 1971
Edition number: |
Pages: | 12
Product: | 25cm
Comments: | Translation of Σπουδή και έρευνα της ελληνικής εκκλησιαστικής μουσικής
Catalog number: | 62.63
Page: | 37
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΒΜΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Romance
Writer: | Anonymous
Publisher: | Νικολαΐδης
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 5
Page: |
Source: | K.Ε.Νικ.
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: | Διασκευή Γρατσούνας, B.
Title: | Renegade duo op. 11
Writer: | Κανάς, X.
Publisher: | Φ. Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | Κατάλογος ?93
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rigoletto
Writer: | Verdi
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 7
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Romance
Writer: | Rachmaninof
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 7
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Romantza
Writer: | Beethoven, L. Van
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 7
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Romance
Writer: | Tschaikowsky
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Reproches d?amour
Writer: | Schatz
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Reverie
Writer: | Schumman
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Romance (la nuit)
Writer: | Rubinstein
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rve Angelique
Writer: | Rubinstein
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rondo la Turca
Writer: | Mozart
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Ramage d?Oiseaux
Writer: | Missler
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rondo Cappricioso
Writer: | Mendelssohne
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Reverie Russe
Writer: | Hermann
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rve au Bosphore
Writer: | Espen
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rve d?un ange
Writer: | D?Corso
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Reveil du Printemps
Writer: | Bach
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Romances sans paroles
Writer: | Mendelssohn
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: | 1
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rondos
Writer: | Hunten
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: | 1
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rock Εγκυκλοπαίδεια
Writer: | Ρήγου, Μαρία
Publisher: | Νεφέλη
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 454
Source: | OB - 4
Category: | RL
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: | β
New category: |
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rock και σεξουαλικότητα
Writer: | Ρήγου, Μαρία
Publisher: | Νεφέλη
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 454
Source: | OB - 4
Category: | RKN
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | K N
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Romance Anonyme
Writer: | Μητσάκης, K.
Publisher: | Φ. Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 442
Source: | OB - 4
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rigoletto
Writer: | Verdi
Publisher: | Φ. Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 442
Source: | OB - 4
Category: | ΕΠΟ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E O
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Reves D' Amour
Writer: | Liszt
Publisher: | Φ. Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 441
Source: | OB - 4
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rolling Stones: Τα τραγούδια τους
Writer: | Rolling Stones
Publisher: | Κατσάνος
Place: | Θεσ/νίκη
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 348
Source: | OB - 4
Category: | ΕΖΛ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ζ Λ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Rock Manual
Writer: | Ηλίδης, Γ.-Παναγιωτόπουλος, K.
Publisher: | Χριστάκης
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 1991
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 260000293
Page: |
Source: | ΠΟΕΒ
Category: | R
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: |
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |