Search for: |
A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W Z |
The word P was found in 54 records. Click on the links for details
Title: | Poetics of music in the form of six lessons
Writer: | Stravinsky, Igor
Publisher: | Harvard University Press
Place: | Cambridge, Mass.
Date published: | 1970
Edition number: |
Pages: | ix+[2]+187p.
Product: | 21cm.
Comments: | English translation by Arthur Knobel and Ingolf Dahl. Preface by George Seferis. Cambridge, Mass., Harvard University Press, 1970 / ix+[2]+187p. port. (The Charles Eliot Norton lectures for 1939-1940) / French and English
Catalog number: | 5.5
Page: | 10
Source: | ΓΒ
Category: | ΕΦΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ξ Φ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Premiere Symphonie: Partition/Theodorakis
Writer: | Θεοδωράκης, Μίκης (1925 - )
Publisher: | Φ. Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 1975
Edition number: |
Pages: | 122σ. με παρτιτούρες
Product: | 8ο (34 εκ.)
Comments: | 1312 HZGV/8o, ΚΝΠ 4577/1989 Δ2 / ΣΥΜΦΩΝΙΕΣ (Καλλ.)
Catalog number: | 4
Page: |
Source: | Εθν.Β.- παραπομπές,ΟΒ - 4
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Publisher: | Ces. Reg. Privilegiata Stamperia Governiale
Place: | TRIESTE
Date published: | 1792
Edition number: |
Pages: | 15
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 839
Page: | 329
Source: | EB 1466-1800β
Category: | ΕΟΛΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Λ Ο Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Peter Lampadarios and Metropolitan Serafim of Bosnia
Writer: | Stefanovic, Dimitrije / Velimirovic, Milos
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 1 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1966
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | ΒΜΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Protopsaltae, Lampadarii, and Domestikoi of the Great Church during the post-Byzantine Period (1453-1821)
Writer: | Patrinelis, Christos
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | από Studies in Eastern Chant Τόμος 3 Gen. Editors: Egon Wellesz and Milos Velimirovic N.Y. 1973
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | ΒΝΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | P?ques mditerranennes
Writer: | Baud - Bovy, Samuel
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Νότες (άρθρο)
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | MH
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | H M
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Present Status of Research in Byzantine Music
Writer: | Velimirovic, Milos
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 1971
Edition number: |
Pages: | 20
Product: |
Comments: | Από περιοδ. Acta musicologica 1971
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | ΜΛΑ
Category: | ΒΜΞΡ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B Μ Ξ Ρ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Pirro : Drama, per musica da rappresentarsi nel teatro di S. Angelo, l'anno MDCCIV : All'Altezza Serenissima Ferdinando Carlo, duca di Mantova, Monferrato ...
Writer: |
Publisher: |
Place: | Βενετία
Date published: | 1704
Edition number: |
Pages: | 72 p.
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 7
Page: | 2
Source: | ΣΗΒ
Category: | ΕΟΛΠΞ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Λ Ξ Ο
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Parsifal
Writer: | Huckel, Oliver
Publisher: | T.Y. Crowell & Co.
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1903
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Pavarotti. my own story.
Writer: | Wright, William
Publisher: | Doubleday & Co.
ISBN: | 0-385-15340-6
Place: | U.S.A.
Date published: | 1981
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Perspectives on Shoenberg and Stravinsky
Writer: | Boretz, Benjamin
Publisher: | Greenwood Press
ISBN: | 0313232040
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1983
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΜΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: | Edward Cone
Title: | Phrasing and articulation
Writer: | Keller, Hermann
Publisher: | W.W. Norton & Co.
ISBN: | 0-333-00681-6
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1973
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΘΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Θ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Piano playing with piano questions answered by Josef Hofmann
Writer: | Hofmann, Josef
Publisher: | Theodore Presser Co.
Place: | Philadelfia
Date published: | 1920
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΔΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Plain words on singing
Writer: | Shakespeare, William
Publisher: | G.P. Putnam?s sons
Place: | New York
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Please don?t hate me
Writer: | Tiomkin, Dimitri & Buranelli, Prosper
Publisher: | Doubleday & Co.
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1959
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Pleasures of music
Writer: | Barzun, Jacques
Publisher: | The Viking Press
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1951
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΦΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ξ Φ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Portraits and silhouettes of musicians
Writer: | Orr, Helen
Publisher: | Dodd, Mead Co.
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1897
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Prima Donnas and other beasts
Writer: | Wagner, Alan
Publisher: | Argonaut books
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1961
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΝΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ν Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Principles of orchestration
Writer: | Korsakov, Nikolai
Publisher: | Dover publications
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1964
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΕΔΘΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε Θ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Problems in public school music
Writer: | Kwalwasser, Jacob
Publisher: | M. Witmark & sons
Place: | New York
Date published: | 1932
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 6
Source: | S.C.
Category: | ΔΞ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Polyphony in touloum playing by the Pontic Greeks
Writer: | Ahrens, Christian
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 1973
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Yearbook of the IFMC, vol. 5, p. 122-131
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: |
Category: | ΒΜΞΗ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | B H Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Probleme und Aspekte der Erforschung des Liedgutes in seinem ursprnglichen Milieu, mit musikalischen Bemerkungen von Samuel Baud - Bovy.
Writer: | Tsangalas, K.D.
Publisher: |
Place: |
Date published: | 1978
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Jhb. des sterreichischen Voksliedwerkers, 27 (1978), 9-43
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: |
Category: | ΜΞΗ
Calculations: |
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | H Μ Ξ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Passacailles
Writer: | Θεοδωράκης
Publisher: | K. Παπαγρηγορίου - X. Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | τετράδιο Παπαγρηγορίου - Νάκα
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Partita in Modo Antico
Writer: | Παπαϊωάννου, Γ.Α.
Publisher: | Νομός - Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 1990
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: | 118
Page: |
Source: | κατ. IEMA
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Physikalische und psychoakustische. Grundlagen der Musik
Writer: | Roederen, Juan G.
Publisher: | Springer-Verlag
Place: | Berlin - Heidelberg - New York
Date published: | 1977
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | IEMA
Category: | ΞΣ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ξ Σ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Pices faciles pour les commencantes
Writer: | Alberti
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 1
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: | Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Petits Preludes et fugues
Writer: | Bach
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 1
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: | Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Piano sonatas I
Writer: | Mozart, W.A.
Publisher: | Φ. Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Εκπαιδευτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | Κατάλογος ?92
Category: | ΕΠΔ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Piano sonatas I
Writer: | Haydn
Publisher: | Φ. Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Εκπαιδευτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | Κατάλογος ?92
Category: | ΕΠΔ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Piano technique op. 28
Writer: | Germer, Henri
Publisher: | Φ. Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Εκπαιδευτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | Κατάλογος ?92
Category: | ΕΠΔ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Portasound : απλή μέθοδος αρμονίου
Writer: |
Publisher: | Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: |
Source: | Κατάλογος ?92
Category: | ΕΠΔ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Prire d?un Vierge
Writer: | Bardazeuska
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 7
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Pot et Paysan
Writer: | Supe
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Polchinelle
Writer: | Rachmaninof
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Prlude
Writer: | Rachmaninof
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Preludio
Writer: | Kalomiris
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Printemps & le Barcarole
Writer: | Mendelssohne
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Papillon
Writer: | Grieg
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Pome erotique
Writer: | Grieg
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Prire de Moise
Writer: | De Meglio
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Pizzicati
Writer: | Delibes
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Priere d?une vierge
Writer: | Badarzeuska
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 2
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: | Κλασικά τεμάχια δια πιάνο
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Plaisir d?amour (Μεθύσι αγάπης)
Writer: | Martini
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Διά τραγούδι και πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 3
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΠΛ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Λ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Pecheur de Perles : Romance de Nadir = Αλιείς μαργαριταριών
Writer: | Bizet
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Διά τραγούδι και πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 3
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΠΛ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Λ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Peccia Lolita (Λολίτα)
Writer: | Buzzi
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Διά τραγούδι και πιάνο
Catalog number: |
Page: | 3
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΠΛ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Λ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Petit Gradus 4e cahier
Writer: | Philip
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: | 1
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΠΔ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Petit Gradus 3e cahier
Writer: | Philip
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: | 1
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΠΔ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Petit Gradus 2e cahier
Writer: | Philip
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: | 1
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΠΔ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Petit Gradus ad Parnassum
Writer: | Philip
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: | 1
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΠΔ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Pastorale Varie
Writer: | Mozart
Publisher: | Γαϊτάνος
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: | Μέθοδοι και διδακτικά πιάνου
Catalog number: |
Page: | 1
Source: | φυλλάδιο
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Piano pieces for children No 3
Writer: |
Publisher: | Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: | 192 σ.
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 442
Source: | OB - 4
Category: | ΕΔΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Δ Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: | revised and edited by Maxwell Eckstein
Title: | Pianiste en Herbe I , II
Writer: | Streabbog
Publisher: | Φ. Νάκας
Place: | Αθήνα
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 441
Source: | OB - 4
Category: | ΕΩ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | Ε Ω
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Pink Floyd: Τα τραγούδια τους
Writer: | Pink Floyd
Publisher: | Κατσάνος
Place: | Θεσ/νίκη
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 348
Source: | OB - 4
Category: | ΕΖΛ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Ζ Λ
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |
Title: | Punk :Τα τραγούδια τους
Writer: | Punk
Publisher: | Κατσάνος
Place: | Θεσ/νίκη
Date published: | 0
Edition number: |
Pages: |
Product: |
Comments: |
Catalog number: |
Page: | 348
Source: | OB - 4
Category: | EZ
Calculations: | 0
Number: |
Choice: |
New category: | E Z
Translation: |
titlos_siras: |
Code: |
Writer: |